Intent on meaning in malayalam

Word: Intent on

Meanings of Intent on in malayalam :

Adjective Baddhashraddhamaaya (ബദ്ധശ്രദ്ധമായ)
Intent on definition
fixed in your purpose
Ex: bent on going to the theater
Related definition of Intent on

Dhyaani Intent On Contemplation .

Nolkka Nōlka T . M . (C . Nonu , Te . Nochu To Vow , Tu . No To Beat) . 1 . To Fast Noraru Kol‍vin‍ Shivaraathri SiPu . ; Dvaadashinorara Phalam VilvP . 2 . To Lead An Austere Life (= Tha Pasu) . Noraririkka To Be Intent On Something .

Piticchirikka To Grasp Firmly , Adhere , To Be Intent On .

Related wordsIntent on - Baddhashraddhamaaya (ബദ്ധശ്രദ്ധമായ)
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